All research papers should comply with the following formal requirements:

1. Structure

• Title page • Table of Contents • List of Figures • List of Tables • Body • References/Bibliography • Appendix • Declaration of Originality

2.  Style

Typed in Times New Roman 12pt font size, 1,5 space, margins: left 3cm, right 1,5cm, top and bottom 2cm, use justification, numbering: all pages (starting after the title page) have to be numbered continuously

3. Word limit

There is no word limit for the research papers.

4. References

All citations, quotations and paraphrasing from books, articles, websites and any other material used in the writing must be referenced in the text as well as in the List of References.

5. Declaration of Originality

Every research paper needs to include the following:

I hereby declare that this research paper and the work reported herein was composed by and originated entirely from me without any help. All sources used from published or unpublished work of others are reported in the list of references. All parts of my work that are based on others’ work are cited as such.

(Date and Signature)

6. Bio

Every paper must have a 300 word note on the author attached.

7. Abstract

Every paper must have a 500 word abstract attached.

All articles should comply with the following formal requirements:

1. Style

Typed in Times New Roman 12pt font size, 1,5 space, margins: left 3cm, right 1,5cm, top and bottom 2cm, use justification, numbering: all pages (starting after the title page) have to be numbered continuously

2. Word limit

There is no word limit for the research papers.

3. References (if used)

All citations, quotations and paraphrasing from books, articles, websites and any other material used in the writing must be referenced in the text as well as in the List of References.

4. Bio

Every paper must have a 300 word note on the author attached.


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