Hatha Yoga Poses with Props

Browse our comprehensive guide across fundamental asanas of Hatha Yoga. Our focus here is to demostrate the use of Yoga props for a deeper understanding of the mechanics of most common poses for your own practice as well as for teaching others about alignment.

Traditional Sun Salutation


Standing Asanas



  • Props: belt
  • Placement of props: wrap the belt across upper chest, pull both sides of the belt down, observe the opening in the chest and the position of the shoulders
  • Alignment: ground through the feet, lift the knee caps, engage the quadriceps, keep the shoulders away from the ears, tuck the chin


  • Props: belt and block
  • Placement of props: belt looped across from the back foot to the crease of the front thigh, press the bottom hand into the block to support the arm and open the chest
  • Alignment: press the outer edge of the back foot into the mat, bend from the crease of the front thigh, keep the sides of the torso parallel to each other, explore the space behind you to open up the chest, keep the upper hand engaged, look towards the thumb (or down in case of neck problems)


  • Props: chair and belt
  • Placement of props: belt looped across from the back foot to the crease of the front thigh, hands resting on the seat of the chair, arms extended
  • Alignment: square the hips, press the outer edge of the back foot into the mat, bend from the crease of the front thigh, lengthen the spine, keep the arms in line with the ears

Ardha Chandrasana

  • Props: chair and blanket
  • Placement of props: rest the elbow on the seat of the chair, use a folded blanket for more height
  • Alignment: ground through the bottom foot, keep the upper foot in dorsiflexion, the sides of the trunk parallel, explore the space behind you to open up the chest, look towards the thumb (or down in case of neck problems)

Virabhadrasana III

  • Props: chair
  • Placement of props: press the forearms into the back of the chair (alternatively, hold the bar of the back of the chair)
  • Alignment: ground through the bottom foot, keep the upper foot in dorsiflexion, lengthen through the crown of the head, and in the opposite direction through the centre of the upper heel, keep the hips square


  • Props: two soft blocks, one hard block and a wall
  • Placement of props: one soft block supports the hip, the other soft block supports the bent knee (both placed on minimal height against the wall), hard block held between open palms
  • Alignment: ground through the bottom foot, square the hips, send the shoulders down and back


  • Props: block and wall
  • Placement of props: squeeze the block with your lower thighs, rest the sit bones against the wall
  • Alignment: ground through both the feet, tuck the tailbone under to reduce the arch in the lumbar spine, arms in line with the ears, shoulders away from the ears, lengthen the sides of the trunk

Parivrtta Utkatasana

  • Props: block and wall
  • Placement of props: rest the sit bones against the wall, place the block on the outside of the foot, twist to put the hand on the block
  • Alignment: keep the knees over the ankles, lengthen the spine, keep the arms in one line, reaching up with one arm and pressing the other into the block, open the chest

Arm Balances



  • Props: block
  • Placement of props: rest your forehead on the maximum height of the block
  • Alignment: press full open palms into the mat, use the Mula Bandha to lift higher up, bring the feet close to the buttocks

Parsva Bakasana

  • Props: chair
  • Placement of props: place the chair sideways to rest your feet on the seat for support
  • Alignment: press the outer edge of the bottom foot into the seat of the chair, hands shoulder distance away, press the hands firmly into the mat, fingers spread out, knuckles down, keep the hips lifted


  • Props: chair, blanket and block
  • Placement of props: place the bolster across the seat of the chair, for more height you may use a folded blanket on top of the bolster, fold another blanket over the back bar of the chair, place the block on required height behind the chair
  • Alignment: press outer edge of the bottom foot into the mat, keep both the feet together and active in dorsiflexion, rest the side of the trunk on the bolster, support the neck resting it over the blanket on the back bar, press the bottom hand into the block, extend the upper arm, keep the upper hand active, look towards the thumb of the upper hand

Kneeling Asana



  • Props: belt and wall
  • Placement of props: kneel sideways against the wall, press the hip and the thigh into the wall, loop the belt over the ball of the foot of the extended leg, grab the end of the belt with the upper hand
  • Alignment: keep pressing the hip into the wall, actively stretch the extended leg, foot in active dorsiflexion, open the chest through the upper shoulder, keep both the shoulders away from the ears, look up


  • Props: two blocks and wall
  • Placement of props: kneel against the wall, place the blocks on the outside of both ankles
  • Alignment: press the hips and the thighs into the wall, bend backwards in the lumbar, thoracic and cervical part of the spine, create more space between the pubic bone and the navel, navel and the diaphragm, diaphragm and lower ribs, lower ribs and clavicles, press the hands into the blocks

Parivrtta Malasana

  • Props: block and belt
  • Placement of props: sit on the block placed on medium height widthwise, grab the belt behind the back wrapping the arm around the leg
  • Alignment: ground through the feet, send the navel towards the spine, press the triceps into the thigh, keep opening the chest sending the upper shoulder back

Seated Asana



  • Props: block
  • Placement of props: place the sit bones on top of the block
  • Alignment: ground through the sit bones, cross the shin bones, send the ankles directly below your knees, lengthen the spine, keep the shoulders down and back, gently tuck the chin, keep a passive gaze ahead

Parivrtta Sukhasana

  • Props: block and blanket
  • Placement of props: sit on the block, wrap the blanket around the crossed legs to support the knees
  • Alignment: balance the weight evenly on both the sit bones, keep the hips and the knees even, press the top of the hand outside the opposite knee, open the chest through the back shoulder


  • Props: block and belt
  • Placement of props: sit on the block, grab the belt with both the hands behind your back
  • Alignment: ground through the sit bones, lengthen the spine, spread the collarbones, open the chest, send the upper elbow further back and behind the head, send the lower elbow towards the midline of the body and further up the back


  • Props: two blocks and a belt
  • Placement of props: place the block under the buttock on the side you twist towards, place the other block on the outside of the thigh
  • Alignment: even the hips, keep the trunk perpendicular to the ground, lengthen the spine through the crown of the head, use the back hand to deepen the twist by walking the fingers further on the belt, send the back shoulder further back

Parivrtta Upavishta Konasana

  • Props: block and belt
  • Placement of props: place the block under the foot, loop the belt over the foot and the block, grab the end of the belt behind your back, extend the other arm to grab the belt close to the foot
  • Alignment: ground through the sit bones, distribute the weight between the sit bones evenly, keep both the feet in active dorsiflexion, lifting the knee caps and engaging the quadriceps, open the chest through the back shoulder, keep both the shoulders away from the ears

Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

  • Props: block and belt
  • Placement of props: loop the belt, tighten the loop over the foot of the extended leg, grab the belt behind your back, place the block in front of your knee choosing the right height, rest the other arm on the block
  • Alignment: keep the foot of the extended leg in active dorsiflexion, press the foot of the bent leg into the other thigh, use the belt behind you to open up the chest more and to find a deeper twist


  • Props: belt
  • Placement of props: place the belt on the ball of the foot, hold both the ends of the belt
  • Alignment: keep the hips even, lengthen the spine, send the elbows out to keep the chest open, send the scapulae down the back, shoulders away from the ears, press the knee of the bent leg into the mat


  • Props: belt
  • Placement of props: loop the belt, place the looped belt on the balls of the feet and across under the armpits on your scapulae
  • Alignment: find balance on the sit bones, straighten the back, lengthen the spine, keep the neck in line with the rest of the spine, engage the abdomen, extend the arms parallel to the floor

Prone Asana



  • Props: bolster and chair
  • Placement of props: place the bolster in front of the chair, rest the lower ribs on the bolster, elbows on the seat of the chair
  • Alignment: keep the hips and thighs in constant firm contact with the mat, feet together (in case of back problems hip-width distance apart), press the tops of the feet into the mat, disengage the glutes, press the elbows into the seat of the chair, look slightly up, draw the scapulae down the back


  • Props: bolster and two belts
  • Placement of props: loop two belts together, place the belt across the back, under the armpits and cross two ends of the belt on the back, hold both the ends, gently and evenly pull back and down
  • Alignment: keep the hips and thighs in constant firm contact with the mat, feet together (in case of back problems hip-width distance apart), press the tops of the feet into the mat, disengage the glutes, send the scapulae down the back, shoulders away from the ears, open the chest


  • Props: bolster
  • Placement of props: rest the hips and the lower abdomen on the bolster
  • Alignment: hold the outside of the ankles, press them into the hands, send the shoulders away from the ears

Supine Asana


Supta Dandasana

  • Props: block
  • Placement of props: place the block over your feet
  • Alignment: let the whole back be in contact with the mat, arms along the sides of the trunk, press the hands gently into the mat, keep the feet in active dorsiflexion actively engaging the hamstrings and the Achilles tendon

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

  • Props: block
  • Placement of props: rest the sacrum on the short edge of the block placed on maximum height widthwise
  • Alignment: press the feet into the mat, roll the shoulders under, press the hands into the mat.

Eka Pada Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

  • Props: block
  • Placement of props: rest the sacrum on the short edge of the block placed on maximum height widthwise
  • Alignment: press the bottom foot into the mat, extend the upper leg, foot in active plantar flexion, even the hips, roll the shoulders under, press the hands into the mat

Supta Pada Angusthasana I

  • Props: belt and wall
  • Placement of props: one foot presses into the wall, the other foot presses into the looped belt, hold the ends of the belt with both hands
  • Alignment: even the hips, keep both the legs engaged, the scapulae rest on the mat, open the chest, keep the shoulders away from the ears, send the heel of the leg extended up towards the ceiling, point the toes towards you

Supta Pada Angusthasana II

  • Props: belt and wall
  • Placement of props: one foot presses into the wall, the other foot presses into the looped belt, hold the ends of the belt in one hand
  • Alignment: open one leg out towards the floor, use the belt to bring it further towards your face, keep the hips level, press down the hip of the leg extended to the wall, keep the whole back glued to the mat

Parivrtta Pada Angusthasana

  • Props: belt and wall
  • Placement of props: one foot presses into the wall, the other foot presses into the looped belt, hold the ends of the belt in one hand
  • Alignment: cross over one leg towards the floor, allowing the hips to turn, keep both the shoulders in contact with the mat, both feet in active dorsiflexion


  • Props: belt
  • Placement of props: belt over the balls of the feet, hold the belt on the outside of the feet, pull the belt
  • Alignment: bring the thighs to the abdomen, let the sacrum rest on the mat, bring the forehead towards the knees



Viparita Karani

  • Props: block
  • Placement of props: rest the sacrum on the shorter edge of the block placed widthwise on the maximum height
  • Alignment: roll the shoulders under, press the hands into the mat, engage the legs, keep the feet in plantar flexion

Salamba Sarvangasana

  • Props: chair and bolster
  • Placement of props: sit on the chair putting your legs bent over the back bar of the chair, recline holding the side bars, let the tops of your shoulders meet the bolster, release the head and the neck, extend the legs up, push the hips front
  • Alignment: create a vertical line in the body by placing the hips over the shoulders and the feet over the hips, let the bodyweight rest on the tops of the shoulders, there is no pressure on the neck, hold the sides of the chair


  • Props: chair
  • Placement of props: chair above the head (the distance will defer person to person)
  • Alignment: roll the shoulders under, press the outer edges of the interlaced hands into the mat, lift up through the sit bones to keep the spine long, allow the weight to be carried by the shoulders, press the tops of the feet into the seat of the chair

Mukta Hasta Sirsasana

  • Props: two hard blocks, six soft blocks
  • Placement of props: make two columns starting with the hard block in each and stack the other blocks on top of each other, shoulders rest in the middle of the blocks adjusting the distance from the wall
  • Alignment: hands in front of the blocks, elbows 90 degrees, do not press the crown of the head into the mat, press the shoulders into the blocks, engage the abdomen, keep the feet in plantar flexion

Niralamba Sirsasana

  • Props: two hard blocks, six soft blocks
  • Placement of props: make two columns starting with the hard block in each and stack the other blocks on top of each other, shoulders rest in the middle of the blocks adjusting the distance from the wall
  • Alignment: do not press the crown of the head into the mat, press the shoulders into the blocks, engage the abdomen, send the arms away to the sides, keep the feet in plantar flexion

Restorative Asana


Supta Baddha Kanasana

  • Props: belt, two blocks, bolster and two blankets
  • Placement of props: belt looped, placed over the feet and over the hips, a block under each thigh, bolster lengthwise on the mat, one blanket on top of the bolster to support thoracic spine, one blanket across under the occipital bone
  • Alignment: feet together, tuck the tailbone under, relax the shoulders, send the arms away from the torso palms facing up

Supta Virasana

  • Props: one or two bolsters and a blanket
  • Placement of props: blanket under the knees and shin bones, one bolster on top of the other to recline
  • Alignment: buttocks between the feet, in firm contact with the ground, tuck the tailbone under, send the pubic bone towards the navel, chest open, shoulders away from the ears, clasp the elbows above the head, gently tuck the chin


  • Props: two hard blocks and a bolster
  • Placement of props: one block lengthwise on medium height, the other block on maximum height widthwise, bolster on top of the blocks (the edge of the bolster rests on the higher block)
  • Alignment: heels towards the corners of the mat, remove the flesh of the buttocks, shoulders and arms relaxed, palms facing up, chin gently tucked

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