Surya Bhedana Pranayama

AKA right nostril breathing. Surya translates to ‘sun’ and Bhedana means ‘piercing’ or ‘penetrating’. In its simplest form, this Surya Bhedana Pranayama practice is done by inhaling through the right nostril, holding the breath, and exhaling through the left nostril.

The right nostril is connected to the Pingala Nadi – an energetic channel in the body that begins in Muladhara chakra, and ends in the right nostril. It represents the masculine sun energy, and by practicing Surya Bhedana Pranayama we activate the Pingala Nadi, which controls our ability to carry out physical work. The practice is said to give vigour and fill the body up with sun energy, which can be used to balance any excess coolness in the system, especially during colder Kapha or Vata seasons.

How to practice Surya Bhedana Pranayama

1. Sit comfortably on the mat in any cross legged position.

2. Bring the right hand in Nashika Mudra (index finger and middle finger bent towards the palm), and use the ring & little finger to close the left nostril.

3. Take a deep breath in through the right nostril.

4. Retain the breath for as long as feels comfortable.

5. Close the right nostril with the thumb (open the left nostril) and exhale through the left nostril.

6. Continue in this manner for 5-10 rounds, or 1-3 minutes.

Tips & Cautions

+ Practice on an empty stomach (3-4 hours after eating)

+ Do not perform this exercise if you suffer from high blood pressure, a heart condition or epilepsy

5 benefits of Surya Bhedana Pranayama

1. Increases heat in the body

2. It improves our digestive system

3. Clears the frontal sinuses

4. Relieves feelings of depression

5. Removes blockages in the Nadis, which will contribute to our spiritual awakening

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