Being a part of yoga is like being part of a legacy that is as old as 5000 years. And once we attain even a fraction of it, it makes it almost impossible to leave or quit it. There is a string of physical and mental transformations that a yogi goes through their entire lifetime. Being in the state of yoga is like being in the presence of the divine.

If you need any more reason to avoid quitting the practice of this great art form, then we are here to give you seven more reasons out of the many. So, read on below.

1. To Avoid Falling Into a Physically & Mentally Unhealthy Rut

Go to work, do home chores, tend to family’s needs, eat, sleep, wake up, and get ready for work again. Does this sound familiar to you? If you have been in this state before, then you know how it felt like – a rut that you itched to crawl out of, a routine that was just making you mentally and physically exhausted and in need of some guidance. You might have been on this road before or you might have been in the rut of feeling exhausted or bored in anything and everything you used to do. Think about it.

7 Reasons not to quit Yoga | Devvrat Yoga Sangha

Do you really want to go back to it? Or do you want to continue to feel mentally and physically robust and feel that you are finally awake?

2. Because Yoga is Everywhere & Can Be Practiced Anywhere

Because Yoga is Everywhere & Can Be Practiced Anywhere | Devvrat Yoga Sangh

Driving down to a gym is a hassle, going to the tennis court or an outdoor sport also needs some dressing up. The beauty of yoga is that yoga is everywhere and it can very much be practiced anywhere, whether it is in the comfort of your room or a park or a studio. You do not have to miss a day if you do not feel like driving out. All you need is pull out your yoga mat, lie on it and start falling into the state of yoga.

Just breathe in and breathe out as you gently practice the asanas. And guess what, as long as it is comfortable and does not inhibit your practice, you can wear anything (or not wear anything at all). It is totally up to you.

3. Because Yoga Cleanses & Reinstates Mental & Physical Balance Because Yoga Cleanses & Reinstates Mental & Physical Balance | Devvrat Yoga Sangh

It is not just about staying fit. Your body and mind is composed of different energy channels as well as the channels that facilitate blood flow throughout the body. These channels need to be cleansed from time to time with a combination of a healthy diet, an exercise routine, and pranayama therapy (breath work). If you quit yoga, then the purification process would not happen. In turn, you will feel sluggish more than often and mentally drained, irritated. Why fall into that state when we have yoga by our side?

With yoga, it is not just purification that happens, it also restores equilibrium between the body and mind so you can face life’s day to day challenges better.

4. To Avoid Speeding Up Body’s Aging Process & to Stay Fit

If you have the desire to stay young, vibrant, and healthier for long, then you might want to keep the yoga mat handy. There are various asanas in yoga that slow down the process of aging by boosting collagen production in the body and by facilitating blood flow. Yoga is not just for a healthy body, it is also for maintaining its agility and vibrancy. You can try poses like uttanasana, tadasana, matsyasana, etc.Yoga also helps maintain body weight and keeps you in shape.

To Avoid Speeding Up Body’s Aging Process & to Stay Fit | Devvrat Yoga Sangh

Now, that’s something which you might desire too. Create a soothing environment for added effects by placing a pot pourri bowl or light up aromatherapy candles of your choice.

5. For the Love of Being a Part of a Community

As a practicing yogi, you must have met other yogis along the way. We all do. This is particularly true for those who started their journey from the land of yoga at the best yoga school in India. Yoga, as celestial it is, is part of a community with people and yogis as part of it from various corners of the world.

For the Love of Being a Part of a Community | Devvrat Yoga Sangh

As yogis, each one of us is part of something deep, meaningful and a life with a purpose, to help entities achieve physical and mental wellbeing through yoga. You are a part of this community too, you are a helper, a yogi, a person with a purpose. If you quit yoga, then this purpose and this community might not exist for you the way it used to be.

6. Because This is the Only Science That Taps Physical & Spiritual Potential

There are thousands of workout styles, exercise routines and what not in this world. But only one body science has the potential to tap the physical, mental, and spiritual side of an entity to bring about a holistic transformation in the practitioner.

Can you really give any of these up?

7. To Stay On the Beautiful Journey of Self-Discovery & Love

Last but not the least, yoga is a journey of self-discovery and self-love. It is a state where our mind, body, and spirit become one. As hard as it is to achieve, it also opens our mind and body for limitless possibilities. When we choose to continue on this journey, there is a whole new avatar waiting for us, that we gradually feel emerges from within us as we continue to go deeper into our yoga practice.

Quit or do not quit, yoga does not force itself on anyone. It happens to souls and when it happens, it is hard to quit it. It is not addiction, but rather a virtue that sticks by you for a lifetime. If you want to revive how it all feels like when you are in yoga, then there is no better place than India.

Come on yoga retreats in Kerala or any one of the major locations in India.

Keep practicing, keep thriving!